Sunday, August 2

My Week

So, I thought I give a little update as to what my week will look like. Tomorrow, Jess and I will run errands, getting ready for WorshipGod09. Tuesday, I'll work and feverishly get all my ducks in a row before I leave for a week. Tuesday night, Wendy and Cameron will come over for dinner and spend the night. Wednesday morning (0500), Jessica, Wendy, Jimmy, Justin, Cameron and I will start the drive up to Gaithersburg (hoping to miss the VA/DC traffic). Wed. night-Sat. morning, four days of attending WG09!!! My first worship conference... full of the gospel, learning to worship my great God and Savior better, aaaaaaand... lots of fun sound stuff! I'll even get to go on a tech tour of CLC. Saturday afternoon, still up the air... mayb just hanging out or DC. Sunday, early service at CLC and then off to DC for the rest of the day. Monday, crammed in the back seat with Jimmy and Cam... for 9 long hours. :) Lots of fun and craziness ahead. I'd love some prayers! I so want to grow closer to my God and learn to love and glorify Him better.


Lainers said...

ooh, have fun at the conference!

AdelphosPro said...

haha wow.... Have fun! We'll be pray'n.

AdelphosPro said...

oh and did I say your lucky!?